Top 5 Everyday Ways You’re Making Your Vision Worse

You think your eyesight is getting worse because you are getting older. Age does affect eyesight, but the years on the calendar aren’t the only reason you’re vision isn’t as sharp as it once was. Here are everyday habits you have that could be worsening your sight.

1. Skipping the Sunglasses

You may believe that you don’t really need them, but sunglasses protect your eyes. Don’t go outside without dark specs protecting your vision. Sunglasses block UV light from entering your eyeballs and causing damage. Wear proper sunglasses even if the sun is behind the clouds. Those pesky UV rays are still getting through.

2. Staring at a Screen

People today spend more time staring at screens than ever before. Whether it’s a computer, a tablet or a smartphone, your screen time is negatively affecting your eyes. Studies have shown that our blink rate decreases significantly when we are looking at a screen. This means that our tear production lessens and so does the moisture in our eyes. Pay attention to the number of times you blink in a minute. The average person blinks about once every four seconds.

3. Wearing Expired Lenses

Don’t keep your lenses any longer than you should. If you have one-a-days, toss them at the end of the day. If you have weekly lenses, don’t wear them for more than seven days in a row. Extending the amount of time you keep your lenses can lead to eye infections or worse.

4. Smoking

There are dozens of great reasons to quit smoking and your vision is one of them. If you smoke, you are a higher risk for developing macular degeneration as you age. Your vision deteriorates as your retina experiences damage. If you are thinking about giving up smoking, this is another great reason to finally kick the habit.

5. Skipping Your Exam

You need to see the eye doctor once a year. The best chance you have of saving your vision is early detection of loss. If you wait to see the doctor until you are experiencing blurred vision or other eyesight issues, it may be too late to return your sight to normal. Don’t skip your annual exam.

You are more in control of vision changes than you may think. If you have any of the habits above, it’s time to change them. Your future you will be thankful.

Evan Shaner